The Road to Retirement

A day in the life as a Trailer Park Landlord. My wife and I just purchased a trailer park. I thought I would create a blog to share some of our "adventurers" with everyone.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Trailer Park Slumlord

My wife and I just purchased a trailer park. My goal is to retire at age 55. I am hoping that this, along with our rental houses, will help me to achieve that goal. It is located deep in the South. It's your typical trailer park. The rents are low and some of the trailers look pretty bad. It has a lot of potential which is one reason why we bought this one in particular. There are about 50 spaces. All are rented except a couple. We have an on-site manager. He handles just about everything but we have been pretty "hands on" trying to learn how this thing operates on a day to day basis. It needs a lot of work.

We are experienced at the rental business since we have a few rental houses. This is our first trek into the "Trailer Park" business. Already we can tell this is going to be a completely different animal. We have owned the trailer park for a couple of weeks and already have some good stories to tell so I thought I would start a blog to share some these stories. Maybe I can give someone out there a chuckle. Check back often to read some the crazy stories I will be posting.



At September 18, 2007 at 11:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. I'm looking forward to those stories

At September 18, 2007 at 1:55 PM, Blogger Tee/Tracy said...

Came over from your Mom's blog.

You are going to have some seriously funny material.


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