The Road to Retirement

A day in the life as a Trailer Park Landlord. My wife and I just purchased a trailer park. I thought I would create a blog to share some of our "adventurers" with everyone.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Passed Out Drunk

Last night I was at the trailer park working on one of the trailers when I heard a knock at the door. It was about 10:30 so I knew this wasn't going to be good. It was one of the tenants. She said her neighbor was standing outside drinking and being loud. My first thought was "Oh great!". I told her I would go over and talk to him. I got my flashlight and headed over. I asked to hold it down. He apologized profusely and said he would. Once he found out who I was he had to tell me everything that was wrong was his trailer. Slurred speech and off balance the whole time. He asked me to take a look inside. I hesitantly went in. He had to show me some carpet that was torn. On the way back from the bedroom we had to pass the bathroom. I did a double take. Someone was laying in the floor between the toilet and the tub. All I could see was from the chest down. I said, "Is that guy okay?". My tenant slurred back, "Oh yea! He is just passed out drunk."


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