The Road to Retirement

A day in the life as a Trailer Park Landlord. My wife and I just purchased a trailer park. I thought I would create a blog to share some of our "adventurers" with everyone.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Good Neighbor

A couple of weeks ago we had to evict one of tenants. He was living with his son in one of our trailers. We were told they couldn't get along so the son moved out. Then the father lost his job and couldn't pay rent. He was a nice guy but had trouble holding down a job. I hated to evict him but business is business. He became friends with an elderly lady that lived next to him. When she found out he was being evicted she offered for him to move in with her until he got back on his feet.

We have registered with so that if someone moves in to the trailer park we will be notified. Well, when he moved in with "The Good Neighbor" it triggered an email notification since he had to report his new address. His convictions are KIDNAPPING and COMMIT OR ATTEMPT LEWD ACT ON CHILD < 16. We told our manager who in turn let her know. He said that she has young grandchildren that visit her a lot. She apparently got very upset and wanted him to leave immediately. We contacted the sheriff for advice. He said that there was nothing we could do except evict him in the normal process. That takes 10 days! It was now becoming apparent why he had lost his job and why his son moved out. I think his son rented the trailer for him.

Well, when all this went down he was out fishing with his brother. My manager and I decided that we would talk to him and ask him to do the right thing and leave. The next day my manager talked to him and explained the situation that "The Good Neighbor" didn't want him there anymore. He said he would leave and not cause any problems. Thank goodness!!


At January 3, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Blogger jay said...

As Opie Taylor once told his dad, Andy of the Romeo and Juliet story....."Boy! That sure would make a good TV show, Paw!"

At January 3, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Blogger lucylocket said...

Let's see. . .Drunks, drug dealers, hookers, and sexual predators. I think it time for you to rethink your method of early retirement; maybe it's time for you to get out of the trailer park business. The sheriff would really hate to see you go though. I understand he is pleased that you are getting rid of the trouble-makers.


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