The Road to Retirement

A day in the life as a Trailer Park Landlord. My wife and I just purchased a trailer park. I thought I would create a blog to share some of our "adventurers" with everyone.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Late Night Phone Call

One Sunday night we got a call from our manager saying about 5 police cars were in the park. They had one of our trailers surrounded. Details were sketchy. We jumped in the car and headed over. Unfortunately we missed all the excitement. The police were already gone. Apparently someone was trying to break in one of our trailers and the "suspects" were hiding in the trailer next door. There are two young girls that live there. They let their boyfriends move in with them. I also need to mention they are under eviction. I guess between the four of them they can't come up with $90 a week. Monday was the day for us to file the 24 hour set-out on them. They had asked that we wait because they had the money and were going to pay. We reluctantly decided to give them a chance. These two girls have been rumoured to be some of the problems in the park. They like to party and be loud. Drugs have even been mentioned.

The story was the two young guys were seen looking in one of the tenants cars. (It just so happens to be a guy we use to clean out trailers after someone moves out. There was shop vac, steam cleaner and cleaning supplies in his car. All of which belong to me.) They also tried to break in to a trailer by pushing out a window. I guess they got spooked and took off to hide in "their trailer". Well the police arrived and after some coaxing they came out. The police didn't arrest them but told them to leave. I am not sure why. We informed the two girls that we were filing the eviction on Monday. Oh boy!! They didn't understand why. "We didn't have anything to do with it! Blah blah blah!!!" We explained she was responsible for her guests and that she had blown her chance with us. She was gone by Tuesday.

I think there are two more tenants we are going to have to evict to have the park pretty well cleaned up. The sheriff told me that one of the two is being watched. They think he is dealing drugs. The problem is he pays his rent every Friday. He already had one warning from "Saturday Birthday Party". It's just a matter of time.


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